IHCG Affiliate FAQ

Yes, we can generate a coupon code only for your campaign.

The starting rank is 10% (Squire). You can increase your rank continuously after reaching a total USD amount verified commissions within a months time, and your % will go up. There are several rank levels and the next rank promotion is indicated by a progression bar in your account area.

We'll send you a wire to your checking account. Or in Bitcoins to your wallet. It's easy to sign up for a wallet or download a wallet through appstore, then you can change the BTC to USD for example using localbitcoins.com.

The total commissions for the running month are cut of at the end of the month and paid out the end of the next month.

Yes, the amount is USD100. This makes sense given the transfer fees.

The default state is 'unverified' once the order ships and customer status is updated to 'completed' your commission status will also change to Verified and the commission payment is added to the balance.

by default it is something like ref=43 (number represents your member ID), you can change this in your affiliate profile section to something else like 'hcgbliss", "r2d2" etc.