Tag - weight loss

Signs That You Need To Lose Weight

If you ever had a struggle putting up your jeans and even zipping it hardly afterwards, or the new clothes you just bought a week ago doesnโ€™t fit anymore, you might probably think that you are gaining weight. But did you know that there are so many signs that you are actually gaining weight, not just the fact that you...

Seven Types of Simple and Easy Juice Cleansing Recipes

Juice cleansing is a great way to lose those unwanted body fats. Whether itโ€™s green or fruity anything goes. It also serves as vitamins which can make your skin glow and look young. But did you know that juice cleansing is not just about throwing fruits and veggies in a blender? You still need to pick out the right vegetables...

Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Weight Loss

Breakfast is considered as the healthiest meal of the day. The meal that you eat for breakfast will be largely responsible for your weight maintenance and weight loss by maintaining blood glucose and metabolism. However, some of us take this time of the meal for granted. Sometimes, you just eat whatever food is available so you wouldnโ€™t feel hungry until...

Already Achieved Your Desired Weight? Here’s How To Maintain It

Achieving weight loss is a milestone that should be celebrated. ย After months of hard work, discipline, and perseverance, you have reached the body that you have been dreaming of since day 1. However, some people have failed to maintain the body that they have worked hard for. To maintain your good physique for a long period of time, here are...

Healthy Food Swaps

There will be times that you will be tempted to consume unhealthy food. Though you might think that one bite of a chip is not that bad, repeatedly doing it will cause more harm than you imagine especially if you are trying to lose weight. So put those bags of chips down and munch on these instead: Banana Split Sundae Alternative Instead...