Tag - fitness

Signs That You Need To Lose Weight

If you ever had a struggle putting up your jeans and even zipping it hardly afterwards, or the new clothes you just bought a week ago doesnโ€™t fit anymore, you might probably think that you are gaining weight. But did you know that there are so many signs that you are actually gaining weight, not just the fact that you...

HCG Diet Tips And Tricks

Participating in HCG diet has its perks. However, you will face many challenges especially if you havenโ€™t tried low calorie diet before. There will be changes in your body, you might experience mood swings, cravings, and many more. Do not let these challenges get the best of you. Try these proven HCG diet tips and tricks to make your life...

Fitness Myths Debunked

Being fit and healthy are two of the most important things that you should have in order for you to live a balanced and happy life. Sometimes, hindrances and challenges get in the way of you getting that fit and healthy body that you want. But what if I tell you that some of the things that you think are...

HCG Diet Food Choices

HCG diet program is one of the most popular ways of weight loss. Discovered by Dr. A.T.W Simeons in the 60s, it is a safe and orderly method of weight loss that women and men can do. HCG diet program requires strenuous calorie restriction. While you are on this diet, you have to carefully plan what you eat on a...

Benefits Of HCG Injections

You probably have heard about the famous HCG diet. This breakthrough diet program has already helped thousands achieve the weight they desperately want. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin has the power to eliminate fat cells while on a calorie restricted diet. The body will retain lean muscle without taking nutrition from other cells. Because of this, the body will take from fat...

Ways To Maintain Your Weight

Some people lose their motivation to stay healthy and fit after they have achieved their weight goal. This leads to the return of the weight they once worked so hard to lose. Being trapped in this cycle is pretty exhausting. If you want to get out of this never ending situation, do these things to maintain the body that you...

Protein Filled Vegetarian Foods

One of the most common myths about being vegetarian is that you cannot supply enough protein in your body. This is due to the belief that we can only get protein from meat. But to tell you the truth, it is actually very easy to include protein in your vegetarian diet. You just have to have a thorough plan so...

Healthy DIY Smoothies

Most of you think that you shouldnโ€™t consume smoothies whenever you are in a diet. Little do you know, drinking a smoothie nourishes your body with essential vitamins and minerals that will help you lose weight. It is best that you know how to make smoothies yourself so you can have full control of the ingredients and quantity that you...

Creative Ways To Use A Treadmill

Treadmill is one of the most popular exercise machines. Its main purpose is to burn calories through running or walking. You have probably used this device a hundred times at the gym or at your own house. But did you know there are lots of exercise that you can do while you are on the treadmill aside from running? So...

The Perfect Workout For Every Body Part

There are over 600 muscles in our body. If you want to stay fit and healthy, you have keep every single one of them strong and mobile. No muscle should not be left behind whenever you are working out. To make sure that your giving them equal attention, here are the perfect workouts that you can do to strengthen each...

Fitness Myths That You Should Stop Believing

MYTH:ย YOU CAN CHOOSE AREAS WHERE YOUโ€™D LIKE TO BURN FAT FACT:ย According to some experts, you canโ€™t really pick which part of your body you would want to lose weight. Moreover, you canโ€™t really control where that fat comes from. So donโ€™t believe everything you see on TV where they tell you to buy a machine that targets to lose fat in...

This Is The Right Time To Eat These Foods

Most of you think that as long as we eat healthy and organic foods everyday, your body will be safe from diseases. Little do you know, eating them at the wrong time can lead to serious health problems. Get the most out of your favorite foods by eating them during these hours: Dark Chocolate Eating dark chocolate in the morning is actually...

Six Diet Types To Get A Fit and Healthy Body

When we heard the word diet, the first thing that comes to our minds is losing weight, little did we know that the term "diet" means a daily food allowance and as a matter of fact, there's a lot of diet types be it for losing or gaining body weight. And to give you heads up, here are some diet...

Female Sports That Helps You Be Physically Fit

Nowadays, many women started engaging themselves to different sports not only for a hobby, but also to maintain being physically fit. Sports can of course, be considered as a good exercise for our body. However, not all sports can be joined by women, but then again, on the positive note, a perfect choice of sports for a woman can really...