
Dance Workouts to Help You Lose Weight

Did you know that you can easily lose 10 pounds when you add dancing on your everyday routine? At this moment, dance-based workouts has become a growing trend, not just because it is a lively form of self โ€“ expression, but also because it can burn up to 400 calories per session. It allows you to convey your feelings and...

Never Gain that Excess Weight Again

Weight loss is never an easy process, but still, people tend to do it not just because they hate their body, but also because they want to live healthy. These are the things that you should consider before, during, and after your weight loss effort.


It is apparent that the journey to fitness is not an easy road and there will...

How to Stop Emotional Eating

Have you ever been so depressed that you immediately turn to food for comfort just to ease the heartache? If yes, then you are not alone on this one. Most of the time, people feel the strongest cravings for food when they are lonely and in emotional pain. Some would say it is necessary because eating is what people do...

Health myths that need to be understood

People do care for their health. Therefore, they tend to listen to some health rumors that they hear from the society, even though these rumors are not proved to be true. By following these myths about health, they might accidentally create damages to their body as some of them can be dead wrong. The following is most common myths you can...

5 Ways To Control Your Cravings

One of the hardest things about starting your diet is having those unexpected late night food cravings. One minute youโ€™re just trying to make it through the day, and then youโ€™ll suddenly feel the urge to eat your favorite sweet food. You know you want to fight it, but next thing you know, youโ€™re already satisfying your sweet tooth with...

How Important is Stretching?

One of the things that often get overlooked in doing fitness routines is stretching. While it may not be the key to lose weight, here are some of the things you need to know why it should be important too. ย  It improves your flexibility. We may not notice but when we donโ€™t stretch, reaching out seems harder because our range of motion...

Reasons to Add Fruits in Your Everyday Meals

When we say snacks, most of us would think of junk foods like chips, fries, donuts, and others that arenโ€™t healthy for our health. However, fruits can also be considered as snacks - one of the healthiest substitute for your hourly cravings. Here are some reasons why: ย  It helps lower calorie-intake. Since you will be replacing the usual unhealthy snacks with fruits....

Tips in Achieving your New Yearโ€™s Weight Loss Goals

I will be fit and healthy this year! And so millions of people said all over the globe every time New Year comes. But seriously, how many of them have maintained to achieve this goal all throughout the year? Not everybody, right? If you are one of them, here are some tips to keep yourself motivated in achieving your 2015...

Tips to Have a Diet-Friendly Holiday

This holiday is one of the most challenging season for the people who are on a strict diet. With all the foods on the table, surely, resisting the temptation to indulge yourself will be difficult for some. However, like what the old saying goes: If thereโ€™s a will, thereโ€™s a way. You donโ€™t have to sacrifice a year of balanced...

Maintain Your Weight This Holiday

One of the most anticipated seasons every year is the holiday season. This is when we can take a break from our work, share the love to other people, and savor the holiday vibe. This is also the time when people receive, not only gifts, but also extra numbers on the scale! As challenging as it may sound, maintaining your...

Tips to Have a Healthy Thanksgiving

That one day in every year where we have an excuse to indulge ourselves - Thanksgiving, it is! Some of us tend to end up going home with an added weight on our waists and unfortunately, even add more as Christmas and New Year comes. Luckily, we can always avoid this scenario by eating healthy during those events. ย  Use healthy ingredients Tweak...

Healthy Toppings for Your Oatmeal

When we need to lose weight, we always look for those that are rich in fiber because it helps us feel fuller in a longer period of time. One of the foods that we turn to is oatmeal. It contains insoluble fiber that helps maintain weight because it prevents overeating during the day. But for those who want to make...

Running Tips to Keep in Mind for Beginners

There are many types of workout to choose from when you want to lose weight. However, running is also a good option when you are not comfortable to hit the gym. But remember that even the seemingly simple running also needs a preparation. As a beginner, here are some running tips you need to keep in mind. ย  Gear up. Professional runners invest...