
Natural Substitutes for Your Sugar Cravings

Having a strong appetite for sweets is not really easy to manage. When the foods you want to eat are adding up to the numbers on the scale. Surely, you are torn between resistance and giving in to the temptation. However, mother nature has given us natural substitutes for our sugar cravings that will help you eliminate using the...

How to Shrink Your Waistline

When your jeans donโ€™t fit anymore and the numbers on the scale seem higher than usual, thatโ€™s when you decide maybe itโ€™s time to shrink down your waistline. However, this is easier said than done with more restaurants opening along the street tempting you to eat. To add up to this is our lifestyles of working for hours in front...

Waist-friendly Foods to Snack on

Admit it or not, some of us canโ€™t go through the day without munching and snacking on our favorite foods. Sadly, as much as these snacks add up to our daily pleasures, it also adds up to our waistlines only to ruin our weight loss efforts. But worry no more because the world has a lot of foods to offer...

Tips to Plan Your Meal

Your pursuit to lose weight will only be wasted when you donโ€™t balance your diet and exercise efforts. No matter how many crunches and push-ups you do to at tain a flat tummy, if you donโ€™t restrict yourself from eating unhealthy foods, then youโ€™ll always end up with fats on unnecessary places. As the saying goes, if you always do...

Why You Need to do Cardio Workout?

Sitting all day long and just slacking off might soon enough take its toll to your overall well-being. This includes an added number on the scale, a bit on your waistline, and worse, illnesses like heart failure. The word โ€˜cardioโ€™ came from the Greek word kardia which means heart. Obviously, the goal of doing regular cardio workouts helps mainly to...

What to Do After Your Workout?

Not because youโ€™ve finished your workout routine, it means youโ€™re already done. To make sure that you are not ruining your own efforts to get fit, there things you have to remember for your post-workout routine so you can avoid an injury during workout. Cool down Skipping this part after working out increases the chances of getting injured. Take time to...

How to Get Rid of Your Flabby Arms?

Aside from stomach and legs, arms have the tendency to get flabby and wiggly due to aging and, of course, excess fat. This situation is common for women of all sizes. Even those who are not really overweight but because they donโ€™t work out either, thereโ€™s a possibility to be โ€œskinny fatโ€ because the body is not toned. Now, here...

Herbs and Spices That Will Help You Lose Weight

Going on a diet is not always easy for all of us. Typically, you have to sacrifice all the tasty foods youโ€™re used to eating. Most of the times youโ€™ll feel like you are just eating a tasteless meal. Luckily, there are herbs and spices you can always add to boost some flavor in your dish and whatโ€™s more is...

Why You Canโ€™t Get Rid of Your Belly Fat

If getting a six-pack abs is easy, everybody would probably have it. Unfortunately, you have to work hard to attain it and even before you get your dream abs, you have to get rid of your belly fat and have a flat tummy first. But have you ever wondered why after all the things youโ€™ve done, you still havenโ€™t got...

How to Stop Cheating on Your Diet

Itโ€™s alright. Weโ€™ve been there before, weโ€™ve done it too. We all know that it is never easy to refuse to those cravings. There are days when chocolates, cheesy burger, and pizza are hard to resist -- sad to say, these days actually end up to be everyday. But thereโ€™s no need to worry when youโ€™re really determined to start...

No-Bulk Workout for Women

One of the common myths about fitness is that women will bulk up when they lift weights. This is utter nonsense. Women will not gain muscles like how men do because of the hormones called testosterones and differences in muscle fibers. Unless you are using steroids, then you will really grow like Hulk. But if you still want to make...

How to Make Your Meals Healthy?

Where thereโ€™s a will, thereโ€™s a way. If you want to satisfy your cravings for pizza, ice cream, or bacon, surely you can find a way to do so. The same goes if you have finally decided to switch gears and turn to a healthier way of eating. As more and more unhealthy ingredients are added up to our daily...

Foods with High Water Content

They say that to stay healthy and fit, we need to consume at least eight glasses of water per day. But with many choices of energy drinks, fruit juice, and sodas available in the market, we can barely follow this water rule. Fortunately, here are some of the foods that can help you stay hydrated all throughout the day. Cucumber Of course,...

How to Cut Down Sugar Intake?

We commonly blame these sweet little things for our weight gain and yet we canโ€™t refuse consuming them. Of course, they satisfy our sweet little cravings. Can you say no to a chocolate cake, ice ย cream, pies, and cookies? See? Just mentioning them makes you crave for them. But to get on with our diet, we have to cut our...

Make Your Comfort Foods Healthy

They say that comfort foods are guilty pleasures because (1) they are deep-fried (2) full of sugar (3) too much cheese (4) it will make you fat and (5) simply, unhealthy. But we can prove them wrong now. Not all comfort foods are bad for you, some can even help you burn fats! Read along to find out how you...